Tuesday, 22 May 2007

First call

Today I decided to make the telephone call. Having been on the NGA (National Gametes Association) website I've got a list of all the 'local' offices for donation.

The short answer is that there isn't one - the nearest is 60 miles away in sunny London. Generally I goto London once a month - I was under the foolish assumption that I would only be making two or three donations over a few months. This is, unfortunately incorrect. I will need to make around 15 donations, at least once a week. Each donation has to be done on site (this didn't suprise me) and the first donation will take the longest - not because I'll have any trouble but because they need to run tests on the freezeability, STD's etc. Oh, and the councilling.

If my sperm doesn't meet the grade (And apparently a lot doesn't) I will not be offered the opportunity to donate. More worrying I will also have difficulty conceiving (should I decide to) with my own girlfriend who has problems of her own. Problems can include mobility, low levels of sperm and freezing problems. The latter of these won't cause a problem in natural conception, but the rest is still a worry.

On the plus side, it will mean I don't have to catch a weekly train to the center of London during rush hour only to battle home five minutes later.

For those who think I'm doing this for fiscal reasons, please note that the average cost of going into London is £12 - but I can't buy this ticket and get home (my ticket wouldn't be valid!) so I will require a return. This cost will be met by the clinic - as will a 'missed work' fee. Whilst I might come out of this with a few beers under my belt I will not have anywhere near enough to retire.

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